Nations | Stories That Transform the World


16th May 2024

to the Nations platform

Stories that transform the world.

Nations: A subscription-based, independent media platform bringing stories of transformation and hope from around the world.

Most media platforms seek a profit by leveraging our fears, anxieties, and the chaos of the world, leaving us disillusioned, polarized and hopeless.

A Nations membership is a portal to a world of stories that fuel your hope, reward curiosity, and empower change.




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Dispatch: Nicaragua

Without the allure of luxury tourism like its neighbor Costa Rica, Nicaragua is often neglected. The country still suffers from...

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Podcast Episodes

Listen in as world changers share their stories of bringing transformation and hope to the darkest places.

Image of a guy speaking in front of his podcast microphone representing the Nations Podcast.

EP 001 | Origin Story pt.1 - A Move, A Vision, A Magazine

Welcome to the new Nations Media Weekly Podcast! Discover the stories animating Nations, our values, and mission. Join the Nations staff, creatives, and reformers as we engage in conversations surrounding global events and differing perspectives, share stories from the field, and tease what’s coming from Nation’s artists and storytellers. In this week’s episode we explore the origin story behind Nations, discovering the answer to twin questions: “Who are we?” and “How did we get here?”


Nations Media is not your typical media source. Nations is curious about pursuing stories that are transformative even when the path forward is full of risk and difficulty. To them, truth and the way truth itself is presented matters. Nations' innovation and creative ways is what draws people into the stories. They understand the power of that truth and that it sets people, all people, free.
Steve Ridgway
Executive Director, The Northwest Network Foundation
Nations stands resolute at the crossroads between human purpose, exceptionalism, and cultural relevance. It is one of those institutions that has no need to re-invent itself, because it is steeped in a radical anti-vanity ethos. So much so, that Nations core purpose is to beautifully highlight altruism throughout the world. Nations purpose will stand as relevant through the tests of fickle trends and changing times.
Gregory Woodman

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