Episode 002 | Origin Story pt.2 | A Film, a Podcast, a New Chapter | Nations


17th April 2024

to the Nations platform

Episode 002 | Origin Story pt.2 | A Film, a Podcast, a New Chapter

Welcome to the new Nations Media Weekly Podcast!

Discover the stories animating Nations, our values, and mission. Join the Nations staff, creatives, and reformers as we engage in conversations surrounding global events and differing perspectives, share stories from the field, and tease what’s coming from Nation’s artists and storytellers.

In this week’s episode we continue to explore the origin story behind Nations, delving into the making of our first feature length documentary, Iraq: a Forgotten Hope, the launch of the first version of the Nations Podcast – now displaced by this weekly podcast and rebranded as Nations Presents – and the new chapter we’ve embarked on. You’ll meet our budding team here in the Carlsbad office.