Nations Presents: Dave Eubank | Nations


6th May 2024

to the Nations platform

Nations Presents: Dave Eubank

It’s easy for US news outlets to gloss over or minimally report on crisis’ in other countries. It’s even easier for us to not pay attention to what little reporting is done. After all, what can I do about something on the far side of the world?

We bring you stories and reporting like today’s interview with Dave Eubank, on the crisis and military coup in Myanmar, because we believe a part of faithful participation in the Kingdom of God includes intentionally moving towards those on the margins, even if that is simply listening to a podcast or taking a moment to pray.

As you’ll hear from Dave, God is up to something amidst the pain and chaos in Myanmar.

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Nations Media

Nations Media is a platform for stories that transform the world. We use journalism and multimedia storytelling to bear witness to God’s present hope in places of pain and persecution.