Nations Presents: Benji Nolot | Nations


6th May 2024

to the Nations platform

Nations Presents: Benji Nolot

A conversation with Benji Nolot: Filmaker & Abolitionist

“I believe that human trafficking is one of the three major forces holding the planet hostage and that what we are a part of is a movement of freedom to stand up against this injustice and eradicate it. But, the work is shifting mindsets about the sex industry.”

This week on the podcast Joel sits down with Benji Nolot, a filmmaker, abolitionist, and founder of Exodus Cry, an organization dedicated to dismantling sexual slavery, human trafficking, and the porn industry. His movies, Nefarious and Liberated can be viewed on YouTube or Netflix. This conversation is a deep one, exploring many of the complex and heartbreaking realities surrounding the sex industry.

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